1 | 00010001 | Pendidikan Agama Islam Religion (Moslem) |
2 |
2 | 00010002 | Pendidikan Agama Katholik Religion (Catholic) |
2 |
3 | 00010003 | Pendidikan Agama Protestan Religion (Protestant) |
2 |
4 | 00010004 | Pendidikan Agama Hindu Religion (Hindust) |
2 |
5 | 00010005 | Pendidikan Agama Budha Religion (Budist) |
2 |
6 | 00010030 | Pendidikan Pancasila Pancasila |
2 |
7 | 06110001 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman I Algorithm and Programming I |
3 |
8 | 06110002 | Pengantar Multimedia Multimedia Introduction |
2 |
9 | 06110003 | Logika Matematika Mathematic Logic [e] |
3 |
10 | 06110004 | Kalkulus I Calculus I |
3 |
11 | 06120001 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman I Praktikum (Praktikum) Algorithm and Programming I (Practice) |
1 |
12 | 34010011 | General English General English |
2 |
1 | 00010010 | Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian Language |
2 |
2 | 06310001 | Matematika Diskrit Discreet Mathematics |
2 |
3 | 06310002 | Pemrograman III (Visual) Programming III (Visual) |
3 |
4 | 06310003 | Arsitektur dan Organisasi Komputer Architecture and Organisation Computer [e] |
3 |
5 | 06310005 | Basis Data [e] Database [e] |
3 |
6 | 06310006 | Metode Numerik Numerical Method |
2 |
7 | 06310007 | Struktur Data dan Algoritma Lanjut Data Structure and Advanced Algorithm |
3 |
8 | 06310008 | Web Desain Web Design |
2 |
9 | 06320007 | Struktur Data & Algoritma Lanjut (Praktikum) (Praktikum) Data Structure and Advanced Algorithm (Practice) |
1 |
1 | 00010015 | Aplikasi Komputer (Praktikum) Computer Application |
2 |
2 | 00010021 | Fisika [e] Physics [e] |
2 |
3 | 00010032 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Civics |
2 |
4 | 06210001 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman II [e] Algorithm and Programming II [e] |
3 |
5 | 06210003 | Statistika Statistics |
3 |
6 | 06210004 | Kalkulus II Calculus II |
3 |
7 | 06220001 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman II Praktikum (Praktikum) Algorithm and Programming II (Practice) |
1 |
8 | 53010001 | Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar Social Sciences and Cultural Association |
2 |
1 | 06410002 | Komputer dan Masyarakat Computer and Society |
2 |
2 | 06410003 | Jaringan Komputer Computer Network [e] |
3 |
3 | 06410004 | Manajemen Perusahaan Industri Industrial Management |
2 |
4 | 06410005 | Matrik dan Ruang Vektor Matrix and Vector Space |
3 |
5 | 06410006 | Pemrograman IV (Object I) Programming IV (Object I) [e] |
3 |
6 | 06410007 | Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Software Engineering |
3 |
7 | 06410008 | Sistem Operasi [e] Operating System [e] |
3 |
8 | 06410009 | Teori Bahasa dan Otomata Language Theory and Automata |
2 |
1 | 06510001 | Grafika Komputer Computer Graphics [e] |
3 |
2 | 06510002 | Pemrograman V (DBMS) Programming V (DBMS) |
3 |
3 | 06510201 | Applied Networking I Applied Networking I [e] |
3 |
4 | 06510202 | Keamanan Jaringan Komputer I Computer Network Security I |
3 |
5 | 06510301 | Interfacing System I [e] Interfacing System I [e] |
3 |
6 | 06510302 | Mobile Computing I Mobile Computing I |
3 |
7 | 06510401 | Applied Database I Applied Database I [e] |
3 |
8 | 06510402 | Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Decision Support System |
3 |
9 | 06510501 | Multimedia I Multimedia I [e] |
3 |
10 | 06510502 | Game Programming I Game Programming I |
3 |
11 | 06510601 | Information Technology I Information Technology I [e] |
3 |
12 | 06510602 | E-Commerce/E-Business E-Commerce/E-Business |
3 |
13 | 06610002 | Penelitian Operasional Operational Research |
3 |
14 | 34010003 | Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship |
2 |
15 | 34020001 | Sistem Informasi Perusahaan (SAP Fundamental) (Praktikum) Corporate Information System |
2 |
16 | 34020012 | Academic English Academic English |
2 |
1 | 06610001 | Artificial Intelegence Artificial Intelegence [e] |
2 |
2 | 06610003 | Analisis dan Perancangan SBO Analysis and Design SBO [e] |
3 |
3 | 06610004 | Etika Profesi Profesion Ethics |
2 |
4 | 06610005 | Pemrograman VI (Object II) Programming VI (Object II) [e] |
3 |
5 | 06610006 | Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer Human and Computer Interaction |
3 |
6 | 06610007 | Pengolahan Citra Image Processing [e] |
2 |
7 | 06610201 | Applied Networking II Applied Networking II [e] |
3 |
8 | 06610202 | Keamanan Jaringan Komputer II Computer Network Security II |
3 |
9 | 06610301 | Interfacing System II [e] Interfacing System II [e] |
3 |
10 | 06610302 | Mobile Computing II Mobile Computing II |
3 |
11 | 06610401 | Applied Database II Applied Database II [e] |
3 |
12 | 06610402 | Business Intelligent Business Intelligent |
3 |
13 | 06610501 | Multimedia II Multimedia II [e] |
3 |
14 | 06610502 | Game Programming II Game Programming II |
3 |
15 | 06610601 | Information Technology II Information Technology II [e] |
3 |
16 | 06610602 | Sistem Informasi Lanjut Advanced Information System |
3 |
17 | 06830201 | Keamanan Jaringan Komputer II (06610202) Computer Network Security II (06610202) |
3 |
1 | 06710001 | Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak Software Project Management |
3 |
2 | 06710002 | Riset Teknologi Informasi Research in Information Technology |
2 |
3 | 06710003 | Interpersonal Skill Interpersonal Skill |
2 |
4 | 06710005 | Seminar Seminar |
1 |
5 | 06710201 | Applied Networking III Applied Networking III |
4 |
6 | 06710202 | Kapita Selekta Applied Networking Capita Selekta Applied Networking |
4 |
7 | 06710301 | Interfacing System III [e] Interfacing System III [e] |
4 |
8 | 06710302 | Kapita Selekta Interfacing System Capita Selekta Interfacing System |
4 |
9 | 06710401 | Applied Database III Applied Database III |
4 |
10 | 06710402 | Kapita Selekta Applied Database Capita Selekta Applied Database |
4 |
11 | 06710501 | Multimedia III Multimedia III |
4 |
12 | 06710502 | Kapita Selekta Multimedia Capita Selekta Multimedia |
4 |
13 | 06710601 | Information Technology III Information Technology III |
4 |
14 | 06710602 | Kapita Selekta Information Technology Capita Selekta Information Technology |
4 |
15 | 06740005 | Kerja Praktek Job Practices |
2 |
16 | 34020013 | English Proficiency Certification English Proficiency Certification |
2 |
1 | 34850001 | Tugas Akhir Final Assignment |
6 |